Galazo Lab
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
Tulane Brain Institute
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Brain functions and behavior are the result of coordinated activity of neural circuits assembled during development. A variety of genetic, activity-dependent, and environmental mechanisms regulate with great precision the formation of neural circuits.
Focusing on the cerebral cortex, our laboratory studies developmental mechanisms generating different types of cortical neurons and controlling how these neurons form specific connections and produce appropriate network activity. We are also working to understand how dysregulation of developmental mechanisms led to miswiring and dysfunction in pathological conditions, and how principles governing circuit formation could be applied to lessen the effects of miswiring. To this end, we use a multidisciplinary approach that integrates mouse genetics, molecular biology, circuit-specific optogenetic manipulation, and neural activity recordings in behaving mice.
Interested in joining us?
We are always on lookout for enthusiastic, talented, and motivated researchers to join our team. For postdoctoral fellow positions, contact Dr. Galazo directly (mgalazo@tulane.edu) with your CV and a statement of research interests. For prospective graduate students, we are affiliated with the Cell and Molecular Biology Program, and the Neuroscience Program Contact Dr. Galazo if you are interested in rotating in the lab.
3D Murine Brain labelled with Ai14 (RFP) in Syt6Cre (Layer 6) neurons, imaged using light sheet microscope!
Maria J. Galazo, PhD
2000 Percival Stern Hall
6400 Freret St.
New Orleans, LA 70118